5 Things Your TMS Technician Does for Your Mental Health

TMS technicians play a crucial role in enhancing the therapeutic experience for patients’ mental health journey. The techs ensure a safe and effective treatment with a supportive environment to ensure the optimal healing process. While personality and demeanor go a long way, here’s more of what your TMS technician does for your mental well-being:

1. Prepare Treatments

Before you even enter the room for TMS treatments, your technician will ensure the comfortable environment is clean and organized. They will review your prescribed treatment and ensure the TMS device is set up for your specific parameters. Once you arrive, they will confirm you’re ready, address any concerns you may have, and position the TMS coil.

2. Precise Placements

Beyond using the treatment parameters, placing the TMS coil is the most important aspect of your treatment. The technician must place the coil over the part of your brain to target your specific issue. For example, if you are getting transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression, your TMS technician will position the coil on your scalp over (most typically) your dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).

In addition to ensuring correct coil placement every treatment, your TMS technician will position your head and neck supports so you remain completely still and comfortable during your sessions.

3. Record Responses

Your TMS technician will also be in charge of tracking your progress. They’ll keep detailed records of every TMS session you have. This includes:

  • The room and device/machine they used
  • The treatment parameters and device settings
  • Your session’s duration
  • Your response to the treatment

Regular assessments and communication help track your progress. All of this information will help your TMS specialists assess your treatment and make any necessary adjustments along the way.

4. Monitor Safety and Comfort

Your TMS technicians are not just robotically recording your treatment responses. They also always monitor your comfort and safety. They have trained to facilitate a supportive and comforting environment, putting even the most anxious of patients at ease.

They remain in the room during your treatment, attending to any signs of anxiety or discomfort. Part of managing your comfort is answering any questions that you may have and providing TMS education.

5. Provide Education and Peace of Mind

Your TMS technicians must provide some cursory education about what they’re doing in your sessions. However, they will tailor the information based on your verbal and nonverbal cues. For example, some patients are more concerned as they take on more and more new information, while others are more calm when they fully understand the treatment they will receive. TMS technicians learn to quickly assess what you would prefer.

They are valuable sources, though. If you have any questions about the TMS process or concerns about how you feel, your TMS technician can guide you on what to expect during and after each session. They can always bring any concerns or questions to your provider to answer in more detail.

No matter what, your TMS technician is key to creating a supportive and empathetic atmosphere to foster mental well-being. They are the bridge between you and the rest of your TMS healthcare team and are a partner in your mental health journey. The human connection they bring to each session plays a large role in fostering a positive and comfortable experience.

If you are considering a consultation for your first TMS session, know that your TMS technician does more than administer your treatment. Their preparation, precision, monitoring, recording, education, and communication contribute to the effectiveness of TMS therapy–not to mention their attitude, outlook, presence, and demeanor. Together with your TMS experts in Auburn, they are helping you move towards a more balanced state of mind, enhancing your mental well-being and empowering you on your journey to health.


TMS technicians play a crucial role in enhancing the therapeutic experience for patients’ mental health journeys. They ensure safe and effective treatment with a supportive environment for optimal healing. Discover what your TMS technician does for your mental well-being in this infographic.

5 TMS Technician Support Infographic