Welcome to NeuroStim TMS in Spokane, WA
Leading National TMS Provider
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Book a Free Phone Consult*
If you are looking for an alternative depression treatment and have not had satisfactory results from pharmaceutical medications or other treatments, NeuroStim TMS may be able to help through TMS Therapy.
Please fill out this short form today for a free phone consultation with NeuroStim TMS Spokane.
*Most consultations are conducted over the phone, although we also offer free in-office consultations with our TMS Coordinators, if preferred.
NeuroStim TMS Spokane
546 N Jefferson Ln, Suite 304
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone / Text: (509) 866-0020
Fax: (509) 866-0021
Email: Spokane@NeuroStimTMS.com
Life Changing Personal Testimonials and Media Coverage

NeuroStim TMS: World Class TMS Experts in Spokane
Who doesn’t love living in Spokane? Families love its excellent parks, public pools, libraries, and museums. Culture lovers enjoy its numerous art galleries and music venues, where you can catch anything from classical performances to indie rock concerts and everything in between. Outdoor fun abounds, whether you love water sports, fishing, or powder days in the mountains.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to enjoy your city when depression is making it difficult to get through the day. That’s why we founded the most sought after TMS centers.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a highly effective, non-drug treatment for depressive disorders that is approved by the FDA. We are proud to offer this treatment to our community at our TMS center in Spokane. Our expert technicians feel privileged every day to be a force for good for those suffering from common yet stigmatized and little-understood depressive disorders. We see the difference in our patients on a daily basis, and we are honored to provide this crucial service to the community.
Major Depression Disorder Treatment in Spokane
Our TMS experts in Spokane achieve excellent results with difficult-to-treat conditions such as major depressive disorder (MDD), treatment-resistant depression (TRD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and other mood disorders.
TMS is delivered via a device worn on the head, which sends magnetic pulses to the area of the brain that deals with mood. Patients remain awake during the session, and you may read or use your phone during the treatment if you choose. The treatment is painless, although you may experience some minor discomfort later in the day that can be treated with over-the-counter pain relief.
TMS treatment is non-invasive and produces none of the side effects that can be common with anti-depressant treatment, including weight gain, loss of sexual function, or tiredness. Studies have repeatedly shown TMS treatment to be more than 65% effective in achieving remission or a significant reduction of symptoms, even in patients with longstanding major depressive disorder that has been resistant to past treatment. There is hope!
Why Patients Choose Neurostim TMS for Alternative Depression Treatment in Spokane
If you suffer from depression, you know it’s not just a “bad mood,” a matter of being tired, or not being happy all the time. Depression is a severe illness that can feel crippling and intractable, as though you will never be free of it. We’re here to help Spokane residents understand that this is not true and that better days lie ahead.
NeuroStim is the industry leader for TMS Therapy. At our fourteen (14) clinics, we’ve dispensed over 200,000 treatments to those suffering with depression and related disorders in the Spokane area.
Accelerated TMS Spokane: How it Sets Us Apart from the Competition
At TMS Spokane, we are pleased to offer “Accelerated TMS,” an application of TMS that may achieve results even more quickly than regular TMS protocols. TMS is typically administered once a week for 6 to 7 weeks. Accelerated TMS provides anywhere from 5 to 10 treatment sessions per day for 1 to 2 weeks.
Our technicians will help you to understand the benefits of Accelerated TMS over regularly timed treatments so that you can determine which may be best for your particular situation. At this time, insurance does not cover Accelerated TMS treatment.
Alternative Treatment for Depression in Spokane
We love serving the residents of Spokane, and we love living and working in this marvelous city with its many outdoor recreational opportunities. We love to spend time at the Palisades Rock Formation, with its stunning views from above. Finch Arboretum is another soothing favorite, with its display of native plants and flowers from around the area.
Or how about Riverfront Park, with its 100 acres of green space along the Spokane River? It offers opportunities for fishing, biking, walking, and picnicking. You can also take a ride on the Looff Carrousel or take a gondola ride across the Spokane Falls.
If the weather’s not cooperating, we enjoy Spokane’s Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture and the Mobius Science Center, which features interactive displays that bring science alive for all ages.
And yet, if it’s hard for you to enjoy the adventure around you, you’re not alone. In the U.S., more than 10% of women and 6% of men have experienced major depressive episodes. Major depression is among the most common mental disorders countrywide.
We understand the toll that depressive disorders can take on your life, and that you may feel hopeless and unable to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Our non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment has helped others like you to take their lives back and begin enjoying all that Spokane County has to offer.
Many others like you, who’ve been at the end of their rope, have experienced true healing without the burden of synthetic drugs. Reach out to us at NeuroStim TMS Spokane to learn more about our treatment options and discover how NeuroStim TMS therapy has helped thousands of other individuals like you improve their mental health.
Our TMS center in Spokane accepts most major insurance policies. Don’t let any more of life’s joy pass you by—contact us today.