5 Things Your TMS Technician Does for Your Mental Health
TMS technicians play a crucial role in enhancing the therapeutic experience for patients’ mental health journey. The techs ensure a safe and effective treatment with a supportive environment to ensure the optimal healing process. While personality and demeanor go a...
Does My Sex or Gender Impact TMS Treatments?
According to the Mayo Clinic, there’s a gender gap in depression. Women are close to twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. While this is a complex issue and many societal and biological factors contribute to it, you may be asking yourself, “Does my...
How Do Professionals Measure the Success of TMS Treatment for Depression?
For many people who suffer from depression, finding a truly effective treatment can be a challenge. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a great option for many individuals for whom traditional treatments have not worked. How will the treatment team know TMS is...

7 Ways to Cope With Disasters
Natural disasters, like hurricanes or tornadoes, can profoundly affect more than just...

What is the best way to deal with anxiety?
Occasional anxiety is part of life. It is our brain’s way of protecting us from...

5 Strategies to Cope with Depression in Your Workplace
Today, more adults suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders than ever...

How can you help those suffering from a psychiatric disorder?
Statistically speaking, you will likely have a close friend or loved one suffering from...

How Pushing Your Child to Succeed Can Harm Their Mental Health
As parents, it is natural to want the best for your children. With the rise in viral...

Comparing ECT and TMS for Treating Depression
Depression affects nearly 20 percent of the adult population in the United States. Talk...

Is Breakup Depression Real?
Any significant life change, like a romantic breakup, can take a serious toll on your...

Suggestions for how to tell someone is depressed…
It’s difficult to see a friend or loved one struggle with depression, but before you...

Is Social Media Impacting Your Mental Wellness?
Previously, staying in touch with friends and loved ones meant sending letters and using...