Do Men and Women Face Different Depression Symptoms?
For too many years, medical health professionals were missing the signs that women were suffering from heart attacks. While both men and women can suffer from chest pain during a heart attack, women are more likely to experience back or jaw pain, fatigue, and...
A Breakdown of the 7 Types of Mental Health Stigmas
It’s more likely than not that you either know someone with depression, have had or do have depression, or think you might have depression. It affects millions of people, but somehow there is still a massive stigma that deems the diagnosis unserious by some. If you...
What is the Root of Anxiety and Depression?
We’ve probably all asked ourselves this, right? Or been asked by a therapist. We want to get to the bottom of it and get rid of it! Anxiety and depression can often be intertwined, as they can present as symptoms of each other, but it is crucial to distinguish between...
TMS Therapy and Memory Loss
Depression can be debilitating enough without the added stress of constantly forgetting...
Why is depression hard to overcome?
Depression is a complex mental health diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no fix-all...
Antidepressants Aren’t A Cure-All
Antidepressants work by changing levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain...
Supporting Aging Loved Ones With Depression
Depression in older adults is, unfortunately, more common than we realize. It is harder...
7 Ways to Cope With Disasters
Natural disasters, like hurricanes or tornadoes, can profoundly affect more than just...
What is the best way to deal with anxiety?
Occasional anxiety is part of life. It is our brain’s way of protecting us from...
5 Strategies to Cope with Depression in Your Workplace
Today, more adults suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders than ever...
How can you help those suffering from a psychiatric disorder?
Statistically speaking, you will likely have a close friend or loved one suffering from...
How Pushing Your Child to Succeed Can Harm Their Mental Health
As parents, it is natural to want the best for your children. With the rise in viral...