What is the Root of Anxiety and Depression?
We’ve probably all asked ourselves this, right? Or been asked by a therapist. We want to get to the bottom of it and get rid of it! Anxiety and depression can often be intertwined, as they can present as symptoms of each other, but it is crucial to distinguish between...
TMS Therapy for Anxiety: Will TMS Be What Stops the Racing Mind & Body?
Two parts of the human brain have been associated with anxiety disorders: the insula and prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is widely spoken about in mainstream media and is more than likely a bit more well known. It is the part of your brain that is associated with...
Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Men: Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month
As June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, it feels like an appropriate time for us to shed light on the aspects of mental health that are often overlooked and/or misunderstood in men. Although society has made great strides in the awareness of mental health...

5 Tips For Balancing Mental Health And Entrepreneurship
As an entrepreneur, you face many challenges that other industries don’t encounter....

Does Depression Run In Your Family? 7 Tips To Avoid It
You’ve probably heard the debate over nature versus nurture. Your nature is everything...

The Link Between Childhood Bullying, Depression, and Well-Being
According to the CDC, one in five high school students report being a bully victim....

Treating Your OCD with TMS Therapy
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a successful therapy to treat major...

What You Need To Know About Melancholic Depression
Do you suffer from depression, but nothing improves your mood? Do you struggle to...

Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Help Postpartum Depression?
Expecting a baby is a miraculous and exciting time. Whether you’ve been through it...

Untangling the Knots of Love and Depression
Depression is a mental health condition that can impact your entire life. When you leave...

The Evolution of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy
TMS is a non-invasive, safe, and effective therapy for many neurologic and psychiatric...

Combatting Depression in Older Adults
Depression is a serious mental health condition. It can make you feel sad, hopeless, or...