Long-Term Antidepressant Use and 8 Potential Risks

Long-Term Antidepressant Use and 8 Potential Risks

According to the CDC, nearly 13% of people 12 years or older reported taking antidepressants in the last month. Of that group, 60% have been taking them for two years or more, while 14% have been taking them for more than 10 years. Antidepressants have a long history...
TMS: Reversing Depression’s Abnormal Flow of Brain Signals

TMS: Reversing Depression’s Abnormal Flow of Brain Signals

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common mental health issues, affecting millions worldwide. Despite its prevalence and the extensive research on the condition, practitioners only partially understand what goes on in your brain when you have MDD. This...
A Guide to TMS Coils for Major Depression Disorder Treatment

A Guide to TMS Coils for Major Depression Disorder Treatment

Starting your transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment journey is a significant step towards depression relief. Since gaining FDA approval in 2008, TMS has revolutionized depression treatment as an effective non-invasive therapy. Now, it’s an FDA-cleared...
Exploring Depression Treatment Without Medication

Exploring Depression Treatment Without Medication

Whether you’re experiencing a short bout of situational depression after you’ve moved away from home for the first time, or the wintery weather is bringing your mood down, depression in any form is not easy to deal with. Medication is a common and effective approach...
5 Things Your TMS Technician Does for Your Mental Health

5 Things Your TMS Technician Does for Your Mental Health

TMS technicians play a crucial role in enhancing the therapeutic experience for patients’ mental health journey. The techs ensure a safe and effective treatment with a supportive environment to ensure the optimal healing process. While personality and demeanor go a...
Does My Sex or Gender Impact TMS Treatments?

Does My Sex or Gender Impact TMS Treatments?

According to the Mayo Clinic, there’s a gender gap in depression. Women are close to twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. While this is a complex issue and many societal and biological factors contribute to it, you may be asking yourself, “Does my...
Navigating The Mental Wellness Path: A TMS Treatment Walkthrough

Navigating The Mental Wellness Path: A TMS Treatment Walkthrough

If you’re staring down another year, wondering how you’re going to manage your depression, it’s time to make a change. Have you been curious about alternative depression treatment options? Is your search history filled with things like “What does transcranial magnetic...
The Limitations of DIY TMS and At-Home Devices

The Limitations of DIY TMS and At-Home Devices

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive outpatient brain treatment. It utilizes MRI-like magnetic pulses to stimulate brain cell activity and growth in areas that control mood and emotions. Clinicians test the pulses’ location, strength, and...
Will TMS Change My Personality?

Will TMS Change My Personality?

When it comes to cutting-edge medical treatments like TMS, our understanding is constantly growing. For patients, the idea of applying a treatment to your brain can be a little unnerving despite the amazing benefits you have heard others are experiencing. If you’ve...
How To Sustain The Positive Effects Of TMS In The New Year

How To Sustain The Positive Effects Of TMS In The New Year

While transcranial magnetic stimulation is one of the most effective treatment options for depression, especially treatment-resistant depression (TRD), it’s not a cure. Nearly two-thirds of patients achieve positive results with the help of TMS, but depression is...