3 Effective Resolutions To Prioritize Your Mental Health in 2024

3 Effective Resolutions To Prioritize Your Mental Health in 2024

New Year’s resolutions always have a way to make you feel you aren’t doing enough. Even if you start on the first of the new year intending to follow through, by February or even March, they are just a distant memory. Part of this is because you don’t have a clear,...
Does Deep TMS Treatment Work For Bipolar Depression?

Does Deep TMS Treatment Work For Bipolar Depression?

In 2008, the FDA approved transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a treatment for depression. However, the FDA has not fully approved it for treating bipolar disorder (BD) but is recognizing treatment options for treatment-resistant depression patients struggling...
Just The Facts: What You Need To Know About Depression

Just The Facts: What You Need To Know About Depression

Depression is a mood disorder and mental health problem that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates affects 3.8% of people, or nearly three million worldwide. Since the global events of 2020, clinical depression rates have reached crisis proportions, especially...
Rekindling Your Fire: Tackling Depression And Men’s Sexual Health

Rekindling Your Fire: Tackling Depression And Men’s Sexual Health

Depression is a complex mood disorder that impacts every aspect of your life—including your sex life. In the general population, nearly 42% of men report sexual difficulties. One study looking at sexual issues in depressed males found 62.5% experienced sexual...
Is Your Anxiety Or Depression Affecting Your Workplace?

Is Your Anxiety Or Depression Affecting Your Workplace?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15% of adults live with a mental disorder, and 12 billion working days are lost annually due to anxiety and depression. Mood disorders have risen at unprecedented rates since 2020, especially depression and anxiety....
7 Strategies For Coping With Negative And Intrusive Thoughts

7 Strategies For Coping With Negative And Intrusive Thoughts

Negative and intrusive thoughts are symptoms of depression. But they also play a significant role in developing the mental health problem. They can create a feedback loop with depressive symptoms, meaning they can trigger or worsen the depressive feelings. In turn,...
Navigating The Challenges of Diagnosing Depression in ASD

Navigating The Challenges of Diagnosing Depression in ASD

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition with a wide range of challenges in communication, social interactions, and behavior. Many individuals with ASD suffer from sensory sensitivities to loud noises or bright lights and repetitive...
5 Tips For Balancing Mental Health And Entrepreneurship

5 Tips For Balancing Mental Health And Entrepreneurship

As an entrepreneur, you face many challenges that other industries don’t encounter. According to this 2015 study, up to 30% of entrepreneurs suffer from depression, while 49% report any mental health condition. To put that in perspective, the National Institute of...
Does Depression Run In Your Family? 7 Tips To Avoid It

Does Depression Run In Your Family? 7 Tips To Avoid It

You’ve probably heard the debate over nature versus nurture. Your nature is everything you inherit through your genes from your parents. So in the case of depression, do you get it from your family? The nurture side of the debate is all about how your experiences...
The Link Between Childhood Bullying, Depression, and Well-Being

The Link Between Childhood Bullying, Depression, and Well-Being

According to the CDC, one in five high school students report being a bully victim. Bullied kids are susceptible to physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health problems. They can experience fear, anxiety, loneliness, depression, and long-term damage to...