7 Reasons Why Your Emotions Are Overflowing In Tears

7 Reasons Why Your Emotions Are Overflowing In Tears

Crying is one of our first defense mechanisms, which we practice even before birth. As newborns, we cry to indicate we need help, and we continue to use this emotional tool throughout our lives. As we age, we may use crying as an emotional release; one-third of people...
5 Signs Your Antidepressant Isn’t Working

5 Signs Your Antidepressant Isn’t Working

When a medical professional diagnoses your depression, the first course of action is typically a form of talk therapy and medication to ease the symptoms. However, finding the proper treatment is trial and error. What may work for one patient will not work for the...
Beyond The Bump: Dealing With Prenatal Depression

Beyond The Bump: Dealing With Prenatal Depression

You are not alone if you are struggling with anxiety, sadness, or baby blues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in eight women will experience prenatal or postpartum depression. It’s not your fault. The hormonal changes you’re...
Without Clinical Depression Treatment, Will It Go Away?

Without Clinical Depression Treatment, Will It Go Away?

Depression is a serious mental health disease. It can be persistent but often comes in bouts, spells, or episodes. Because there’s a natural ebb and flow, you can think depression goes away on its own. While more mild feelings of depression can resolve independently,...
The Future of TMS: Treating Eating Disorders

The Future of TMS: Treating Eating Disorders

Eating disorders affect more than 9% of the population. Second to opioid overdose, they are one of the deadliest mental illnesses. According to studies by Smink, van Hoeken, and Hoek, and Fichter and Quadflieg, anorexia increases your risk of dying by ten compared to...
The Benefits of TMS Therapy In Spokane

The Benefits of TMS Therapy In Spokane

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a brain-localized treatment for depression and anxiety. After numerous positive clinical trials, the FDA approved using TMS for depression in 2008. Now, TMS provides symptom relief and remission to thousands of patients with...
9 Topics To Discuss With Washington TMS Providers

9 Topics To Discuss With Washington TMS Providers

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has FDA approval for treating major depressive disorder, migraines with aura, obsessive-compulsive disorder, smoking cessation, anxiety associated with depression, and much more. It’s incredibly safe and effective compared to...
FAQs About Bellingham’s TMS Center

FAQs About Bellingham’s TMS Center

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 18.5% of adults experienced symptoms of depression in the two weeks before the survey. Over 13% of adults were taking antidepressants within the last month. As medical professionals are working to normalize the...
Does TMS Therapy Cause Memory Loss?

Does TMS Therapy Cause Memory Loss?

Sometimes, individuals experiencing mental health issues struggle with brain fog, scattered thoughts, or forgetfulness leading to general feelings of disorganization. While both depression and anxiety can cause memory issues, treatments for these conditions, such as...
Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Alter Sleep?

Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Alter Sleep?

Sleep is crucial. It’s one of the essential biological functions for a healthy life. If you suffer from poor sleep quality or duration, you can be more prone to a weak immune system and struggle to fight off minor viruses and infections, weight problems, minor...