How does it feel when you’re going through depression?

Depression is a debilitating mental illness affecting millions of people each year. You can experience sadness, low self-worth, mental fog, and feeling like you can never be happy again. These depression experts discuss the dark cycle depression can cause.
Jason Shiers

Jason Shiers

Certified Advanced Transformative Coach Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist at .

It Feels Like Every Single Thing In The World Is Wrong

When you’re going through depression, it feels like every single thing is wrong with the world. Everything you do feels like a waste of time, and you can’t get out of bed or out of your head. There’s a feeling of hopelessness and detachment from the people and things around you. It’s hard to focus on anything, and everything seems like it’s going to be an uphill battle from here on out.

Depression can really take a toll on your physical and mental health, and it’s definitely not something to take lightly. If you’re feeling like you’re struggling with depression, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Plenty of resources are available to help you get through this difficult time.

A Constant Battle With Your Own Mind

Depression is infinitely more than sadness. In my experience, it is a constant battle with your own mind. Depression is chronic emptiness and a lack of hope that your pain will ever resolve. It eats away at your mind, keeps you from your passions, and makes every aspect of existence seem so much worse than it truly is. Going through depression is fighting to feel alive for every second of every day, and the option of giving up feels more prominent than ever. However, when happiness does begin to seep back into your life, it is the most refreshing, beautiful experience imaginable! Life truly does get better as long as you stick around.

Melody Votoire

Melody Votoire

Author and Mental Health Micro-Influencer at .
Candice D'Angelo

Candice D'Angelo

Founder of

Major Disconnect From Feeling Like I Am Living My Life

I didn’t know it at the time, but I now recognize the signs that I felt then and when I go through a cycle now.

    ● I spiral into past traumatic events. Events that happened decades ago may be connected to my depression. I relive moments or go into deep thoughts about “why” this happened.

    ● I find myself easily triggered and react quickly to stimulation. Short-tempered is the best way to describe my behavior; by stimulation, I mean noise and stress.

    ● In 2020, I remember feeling like I was watching myself live my life. Not an out-of-body experience, just a feeling of major disconnect.

    ● Headaches are common

    ● When I have my cycles now, I can tell, and I am very aware of what’s going on. I am completely aware of my behavior, and I let my partner know that I am going through a little depression right now; He knows I need tolerance and support.

    ● Exhaustion is another feeling. A sluggish component accompanies my exhaustion; that’s how I know it’s depression rather than general exhaustion.

Not Wanting To Do Anything

I have experienced depression while I was young, mostly because I was overwhelmed and stressed. Nonetheless, even when I made adjustments and decided to take time for myself, the feelings of depression still followed me. I would describe them mostly as not wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to shower, or really doing anything. I didn’t see the point in doing anything. I especially didn’t have the energy to do something good for myself since I didn’t feel like doing the most basic daily tasks.

Furthermore, I didn’t feel like I had a reason to keep going or try to get better. It felt like I lacked energy but also had a lot to get out to get better, mostly crying and talking about my problems. I felt very alone and worthless, so I often wrote in my journal. I didn’t feel like the people in my life would be interested in my problems, so I felt like I had to face them myself. It felt like a huge burden, and also I felt like I had a very meaningless life. I felt like I couldn’t do anything to achieve some of the goals and ambitions I used to have. Even worse, it felt like achieving those goals wouldn’t make a difference because the bad feeling would still be here, and the bad things would keep following me.

Nothing was bringing me joy or happiness. I felt like I did everything wrong in my life and that I could never get out of the bad situation I brought myself into. Even if I could do something, I felt too weak to go through with it. Sometimes I would feel a bit better, but the smallest thing would bring me right back to the starting point of feeling miserable. I learned that the key is to take small steps and take them day by day. Also, I learned to love myself and do things that make me happy, even if they are not too ambitious. It’s important to remind yourself that you have to do everything to feel at least a little bit better.

Mirna Vuksan

Mirna Vuksan

Ketan Parmar

Ketan Parmar

Psychiatrist and mental health expert at .

Low Mood, Lack Of Motivation, and Sleep Difficulties

Depression can be an incredibly difficult and isolating experience, with a multitude of possible symptoms that range from physical to emotional. Most commonly, people suffering from depression find themselves in a low mood and feeling emotionally drained, isolated, or disconnected from the world around them. They may struggle to concentrate, find it difficult to focus on tasks, or lose motivation.

Sleep difficulties are also common amongst those struggling with depression, as well as changes in appetite and energy levels. People who suffer from depression may also experience feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness. It is important for those going through this difficult time to reach out for support and talk about their feelings in order to access the help they need.

Depression can manifest in both physical and emotional symptoms, making it difficult to recognize. Commonly, those struggling with depression may find themselves in a low mood, feeling drained emotionally or disconnected from the world around them. They may also experience difficulty concentrating and decreased motivation. Other physical symptoms of depression include changes in appetite and energy levels, as well as sleep difficulties.

    ● Low Mood & Lack of Motivation: People who suffer from depression report feeling in a ‘low’ mood, often accompanied by a lack of motivation and interest in activities they once enjoyed. This can lead to increased isolation and difficulty maintaining relationships or completing tasks at work or school.

    ● Sleep Difficulties: It is common for those struggling with depression to experience difficulties sleeping. This can include difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or oversleeping. These sleep disturbances can have a significant impact on an individual’s mood and energy levels throughout the day.

    ● Changes in Appetite & Energy Levels: Another common symptom of depression are changes in appetite and energy levels. Those who suffer from depression may find themselves either overeating or losing interest in food altogether, while their energy levels may fluctuate between periods of tiredness, feeling ‘wired,’ and exhaustion.

    ● Feelings of Hopelessness, Guilt, or Worthlessness: People experiencing depression may also feel overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness. These feelings can further contribute to the individual’s isolation and difficulty maintaining relationships or reaching out for help when needed.

    ● Accessing Help & Support: It is important for those going through depression to reach out and access the help they need. This may include talking to a mental health professional, joining a support group, or even just talking to friends and family about their feelings. There are many resources available that can provide individuals with the support they need to cope with depression.

Mental Fogginess and Thoughts of Suicide

Depression can affect individuals in different ways, but here are some common experiences that people may go through when they are dealing with depression:

Persistent sadness: People with depression may feel sad or empty most of the time, even when there is no obvious reason to feel that way. This sadness can be overwhelming and may persist for weeks or months.

Lack of interest or pleasure: People with depression may lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed, such as hobbies, socializing, or spending time with loved ones. They may also experience a lack of pleasure in activities that they used to find enjoyable.

Fatigue: Depression can cause physical and mental exhaustion, even after minor exertion or activity. People with depression may feel tired or sluggish all the time, even after getting enough sleep.

Changes in appetite or weight: Changes in hunger brought on by depression may result in either overeating or undereating. This can result in weight gain or weight loss, which can exacerbate feelings of depression.

Difficulty concentrating: Depression can make it hard to focus, remember things, or make decisions. This can affect work, school, and other important aspects of life.

Feelings of worthlessness or guilt: People with depression may feel worthless or guilty, even if there is no reason to feel that way. They may criticize themselves harshly or believe that they are a burden to others.

Thoughts of death or suicide: Depression can cause feelings of hopelessness or despair, leading to thoughts of death or suicide. It’s important to seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Overall, depression can be a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of a person’s life. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional.

Max Shak

Max Shak

Deniz Efe

Deniz Efe

Founder of

Constant Negative Thoughts and Self-Hatred

Going through depression can feel overwhelming and exhausting. People who are depressed often feel they are living in a dark cloud of sadness, guilt, and hopelessness. They may have difficulty finding the motivation to do everyday activities or even something that brings them joy. Negative thoughts can be constant, and feelings of worthlessness or self-hatred may plague the person’s mind.

Common symptoms of depression also include fatigue, changes in appetite or weight, feelings of emptiness and isolation, difficulty concentrating, problems sleeping or oversleeping, physical aches and pains as well as suicidal thoughts. Depression is a serious mental illness that requires treatment to heal. If you think you might be suffering from it, please contact a trusted expert for help.

Never-Ending Cycle Of Sadness, Hopelessness, and Disinterest in Life

Depression can feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest in life. Finding joy and motivation can seem nearly impossible, but it’s important to know that support is available. Whether reaching out to loved ones or seeking help from a mental health professional, taking action can significantly improve your symptoms and overall well-being. Remember, prioritizing your mental health is just as crucial as taking care of your physical health, so don’t hesitate to seek help when you need it.

Susan Anderson

Susan Anderson

Founder of
David Reid

David Reid

Sales Director at .

Felt Weary Even After A Full Night’s Sleep, Feeling of Being Inadequate

Depression may make you feel as though you’re carrying a tremendous weight on your shoulders. Even after a full night’s sleep, you may continue to feel weary, making it difficult to complete simple tasks such as getting out of bed or taking a shower. Your appetite may vary, causing you to consume more or less food than usual.

Your thoughts may become dominated by negative self-talk, and you may feel inadequate or as if nothing you do will ever be adequate. You may avoid social settings and find it hard to connect with others, including those you care about.

Depression can also manifest physically as headaches, bodily pains, and gastrointestinal issues. You may become more sensitive to disease or take longer to recover from illness.

Ultimately, sadness may be an overwhelming and alienating condition. It might feel as though you are caught in a tunnel with no way out. Nonetheless, it is essential to remember that depression is curable, and recovery is possible. Getting assistance from a mental health expert or a support group can be the initial step toward feeling better and regaining a happier, healthier lifestyle.

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