TMS, Saint TMS, and Accelerated TMS
What is TMS?
TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. It is a clinically proven, FDA-approved, non-invasive, non-medication neuromodulation technique used to treat depression. Using electromagnetic pulses, TMS stimulates neurons in brain networks known to be associated with depression. After multiple treatment sessions, patients often achieve recovery from depression as well as increased overall emotional stability. TMS has also shown efficacy for obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders.
What is Accelerated TMS?
Accelerated TMS refers to TMS therapy with a highly condensed treatment timeline. Standard TMS courses provide 1 treatment session per day for 6 to 7 weeks. Accelerated TMS protocols typically provide 5 to 10 treatment sessions per day for 1 to 2 weeks.
What is SAINT TMS?
SAINT or SNT stands for Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy. The SAINT protocol uses Accelerated TMS in conjunction with functional brain imaging and specialized treatment targeting. SAINT’s rapid success in treating treatment resistant depression has been widely celebrated as a breakthrough in the treatment of depression.
Does NeuroStim offer SAINT TMS or Accelerated TMS?
SAINT is a form of Accelerated TMS that includes specialized brain scans (functional brain imaging) which are not yet available for standard clinical practice. One version of SAINT has recently been granted FDA approval and may become available in 2023.
NeuroStim TMS currently offers Accelerated TMS without functional brain imaging, which shares fundamental strategies and advantages of SAINT and is available now, though it is not yet covered by insurance plans.
NeuroStim TMS is Now Covered by Most Major Insurance Plans
NeuroStim TMS Centers are considered In-Network providers for most insurance plans, including Premera, Blue Cross, Regence, United Healthcare, Aetna, TriCare, Kaiser, and others. Real hope is just a few clicks away, so get the help you need with the insurance coverage you already have by getting in touch with us today.

What are the Advantages of Accelerated TMS?
Accelerated TMS protocols can help patients recover from depression in less than one week, as compared to the standard TMS, which requires up to 7 weeks. Though research on accelerated TMS is ongoing, preliminary results suggest that an accelerated model may also provide higher rates of response compared to the once-per-day model. Additionally, there are reports of patients responding well to accelerated TMS even after failing to benefit from standard TMS.
Like once-per-day TMS, SAINT and other forms of Accelerated TMS avoid the debilitating side effects of antidepressant medication, including weight gain, loss of sex drive, listlessness, fatigue, and brain fog. TMS also stimulates healing in brain networks affected by depression, supporting healthy emotion regulation and neurogenesis (growth of new connections between brain cells).
Is Accelerated TMS Right for Me?
At NeuroStim, we have seen excellent results in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders when using Accelerated TMS. Treatment resistant depression–severe, long-standing depression that has not responded to treatment with medications or talk therapy–can improve with accelerated TMS therapy. Those with acute suicidal ideation may find rapid relief through Accelerated TMS. Other conditions, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD and substance use, may also respond well to Accelerated TMS.
What Should I Expect at My Accelerated TMS Treatment Sessions?
You will remain awake for the entire duration of the sessions. We offer comfortable seating, and you may use your phone, listen to music, or simply sit quietly during treatment. SAINT and other forms of accelerated TMS treatment utilize the same machine as traditional TMS to deliver magnetic pulses to targeted areas of the brain. Those who experience scalp discomfort can take pain relievers if they choose until symptoms subside.
Unlike traditional TMS treatment, which is conducted over weeks, SAINT and other Accelerated TMS treatments are administered over as little as 5 days. More frequent sessions means faster recovery.
Watch the short video below for a tour through one of our facilities demonstrating what a typical NeuroStim TMS treatment looks like:
How Effective is SAINT TMS Therapy?
While SAINT TMS therapy is relatively new, it has shown highly promising results for severe depression. In a pivotal study, SAINT demonstrated rapid benefit and increased efficacy compared to traditional TMS. 90 percent of study completers were no longer experiencing depression by the end of day 5 of treatment. One month later, 70 percent of participants had maintained a treatment response. All subjects had previously tried multiple antidepressant medications without success, and most had been depressed for many years.
NeuroStim for SAINT TMS / Accelerated TMS
NeuroStim has been a provider of safe, non-invasive TMS therapy since 2018. We are an industry leader, achieving greater than average outcomes for our patients through compassionate, dedicated, and professional care. Our protocols are informed by the latest research in TMS and are individualized to each patient. More than 70 percent of our patients experience improved outcomes, and 46 percent report a full remission. We are pioneers of Accelerated TMS treatment for depression and anxiety disorders and will continue to be on the cutting-edge of this exciting new treatment option.
How long does Accelerated TMS take each day?
Accelerated TMS most commonly utilizes 5-10 treatment sessions each day. Each treatment session lasts less than 10 minutes, but a 50 minute “rest” period is required between sessions. You will not be impaired in any way during this process, but it does require that you be at or near the clinic for a number of hours in a row on each day of treatment.
Is Accelerated TMS covered by insurance?
At this time Accelerated TMS, including the SAINT protocol, is not covered by insurance carriers. At Neurostim we are hopeful that both SAINT and Accelerated TMS will be covered by insurance in years to come.
Schedule a Free Phone Consultation
NeuroStim TMS Centers are the #1 doctor recommended providers for TMS Therapy. Schedule a free phone consultation with a dedicated NeuroStim TMS Patient Advocate about Accelerated TMS Therapy today. Simply fill out the form below to get started.