Pulling Back The Mask on High-Functioning Depression
In our society, especially after the explosion of lockdown hobbies like breadmaking, we feel like we constantly need to be doing something productive. Whether working overtime at your job, being a super parent and running marathons on weekends, or having a crammed...
Breaking Free from the Trap of Perfection
In a society that celebrates the American Dream–if you work hard enough, you’ll succeed–the affliction of perfectionism sounds great. It can help with pursuing achievements and a comfortable life, so what’s the harm? Unfortunately, the intense pressure and expectation...
Support Depressed Loved Ones: The Dos and Don’ts of What to Say
Supporting a loved one with depression requires compassion and patience. There is a fine balance necessary to navigate conversations about their mental well-being. Knowing what to say and what not to say can be challenging. Your words and actions can have a profound...

Getting Your Depression Diagnosed and Your Life Back
In the past, medical and mental health professionals lumped all mood disorder diagnoses...

Social Isolation, Your Mental Health, and TMS
The pandemic has led many people to isolate themselves to protect their own physical...

How Does Stress Impact Anxiety?
Stress and anxiety tend to go hand in hand. However, you can be under stress and not...

Coping With Anxiety & Depression
According to the CDC, 18.5% of adults experienced depression symptoms in 2019. Almost...

TMS Therapy and Memory Loss
Depression can be debilitating enough without the added stress of constantly forgetting...

Why is depression hard to overcome?
Depression is a complex mental health diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no fix-all...

Antidepressants Aren’t A Cure-All
Antidepressants work by changing levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain...

Supporting Aging Loved Ones With Depression
Depression in older adults is, unfortunately, more common than we realize. It is harder...

7 Ways to Cope With Disasters
Natural disasters, like hurricanes or tornadoes, can profoundly affect more than just...