Exploring Depression Treatment Without Medication
Whether you’re experiencing a short bout of situational depression after you’ve moved away from home for the first time, or the wintery weather is bringing your mood down, depression in any form is not easy to deal with. Medication is a common and effective approach...
5 Things Your TMS Technician Does for Your Mental Health
TMS technicians play a crucial role in enhancing the therapeutic experience for patients’ mental health journey. The techs ensure a safe and effective treatment with a supportive environment to ensure the optimal healing process. While personality and demeanor go a...
Does My Sex or Gender Impact TMS Treatments?
According to the Mayo Clinic, there’s a gender gap in depression. Women are close to twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. While this is a complex issue and many societal and biological factors contribute to it, you may be asking yourself, “Does my...
5 Aspects of Your Life Affected by Untreated Depression
Millions of Americans are suffering from depression daily. It affects your mood, causing...
Should you just “suck it up” when you’re depressed?
According to Johns Hopkins, nearly 10% of adults will suffer from a depressive illness...
The Slippery Slope of Self Medication
You’ve seen movies where a character takes a shot to work up the courage to do...
Getting Your Depression Diagnosed and Your Life Back
In the past, medical and mental health professionals lumped all mood disorder diagnoses...
Social Isolation, Your Mental Health, and TMS
The pandemic has led many people to isolate themselves to protect their own physical...
How Does Stress Impact Anxiety?
Stress and anxiety tend to go hand in hand. However, you can be under stress and not...
Coping With Anxiety & Depression
According to the CDC, 18.5% of adults experienced depression symptoms in 2019. Almost...
TMS Therapy and Memory Loss
Depression can be debilitating enough without the added stress of constantly forgetting...
Why is depression hard to overcome?
Depression is a complex mental health diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no fix-all...