The Slippery Slope of Self Medication

The Slippery Slope of Self Medication

You’ve seen movies where a character takes a shot to work up the courage to do something. You may have even done something similar. Or you have a glass of wine to get through a stressful situation, calm your nerves, or simply get through your day. Unfortunately, this...
Getting Your Depression Diagnosed and Your Life Back

Getting Your Depression Diagnosed and Your Life Back

In the past, medical and mental health professionals lumped all mood disorder diagnoses together. However, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) now recognizes many different types of depression diagnoses...
Social Isolation, Your Mental Health, and TMS

Social Isolation, Your Mental Health, and TMS

The pandemic has led many people to isolate themselves to protect their own physical health or that of loved ones. But, this social isolation can take a toll on mental health. According to a Pew Research Center survey in 2018, one in ten Americans felt isolated or...
How Does Stress Impact Anxiety?

How Does Stress Impact Anxiety?

How Does Stress Impact Anxiety? Stress and anxiety tend to go hand in hand. However, you can be under stress and not develop anxiety. Conversely, you can have anxiety without being stressed out. So how does stress impact anxiety exactly? These mental wellness...
Coping With Anxiety & Depression

Coping With Anxiety & Depression

According to the CDC, 18.5% of adults experienced depression symptoms in 2019. Almost half of those suffering from depression are also suffering from uncontrolled anxiety. If left untreated, anxiety may be the catalyst for your depression. This creates a cycle where...
TMS Therapy and Memory Loss

TMS Therapy and Memory Loss

Depression can be debilitating enough without the added stress of constantly forgetting where your keys or phone are or even what you did yesterday. Your episodic memory is what helps make you a unique individual. Certain depression treatments can affect your ability...
Why is depression hard to overcome?

Why is depression hard to overcome?

Why is depression hard to overcome? Depression is a complex mental health diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no fix-all treatment that works for every person. If you are suffering from depression, it can be challenging to achieve remission. Read what mental health...
Antidepressants Aren’t A Cure-All

Antidepressants Aren’t A Cure-All

Antidepressants work by changing levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain that affect mood, depression, and anxiety. To experience the full benefits of these medications, you need to take the prescription as directed for approximately six to eight weeks....
Supporting Aging Loved Ones With Depression

Supporting Aging Loved Ones With Depression

Depression in older adults is, unfortunately, more common than we realize. It is harder to diagnose as we age because the symptoms can be masked by or attributed to other illnesses, medication side effects, or simply signs of aging. Knowing what to look for and when...
7 Ways to Cope With Disasters

7 Ways to Cope With Disasters

Natural disasters, like hurricanes or tornadoes, can profoundly affect more than just your belongings. They trigger high stress levels, anger, and anxiety and can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The loss of property or finances can contribute to your...