
7 Tips To Handle Failures And Support Your Mental Wellness

According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, ruminating on past defeats or rejections can lead to more prolonged emotional distress and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. If you are prone to regretting or fearing...

The Perils of Pondering Life’s Meaning For Your Mental Health

If you have ever watched The Good Place, you are familiar with existential crises as the four individuals work through their personal situations. In one particularly poignant episode, the main character Michael grasps the concept of death and experiences existential...

9 Tips For Maintaining Mental Wellness After TMS Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a highly effective treatment for depression. One study found nearly 63% of patients continued to find relief from depression symptoms a year after the initial treatment course. Like any depression treatment, complete...